Frihetens hammare

Freedom is to own the horizon – to look around you, and only see your own soil, your own cattle, your own kin. To have enough land to feed your own, to reject every pen and chain. To shine with the health of the Sun, and strike every intruder with the terror of Thunder.

Freedom demands constant expansion, constant struggle. For freedom does not accept that the father should split his horizon among his sons – it demands a new horizon for every new son. And thus the youth must set out to conquer – to wage a holy war of heavenly freedom.

God only loves free men, for only they live with the pride of an infinite Sky. And only free men can love Nature – for sharing space means that there are too many people, and the growing needs of decadent slaves can only be fulfilled by exploiting a crowded Nature.

The tool of true freedom is the hammer. Only the hammer can slay the serpent and release the cattle. Only the hammer can protect a life worth living. Only the hammer can cull the world from the weak – those unable to expand, who crowd together to pollute the world.

Freedom is a cruel lover, and the mother of everything noble. To love her is to love struggle, destruction and death. And to win her love is to win a life of fresh air – of health, joy and pride. She will be the mother of a noble people, and nurture a nation of heaven.

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